Before we start
First thing we need to create a gRPC service that has a server streaming method. For this tutorial, we will run the gRPC service found at
This service has the following server streaming method
rpc SendNotifications(stream NotificationsRequest) returns (NotificationsResponse);
Test the service
Start the gRPC service
Start FintX then click on the plus icon to add a client. The value entered in the http address should match the running service
Click Okay
Once the gRPC client is created and displayed int he UI, double-click on the method to open it in a tab
Click the Run button
If the response from the service is successful, the Client Stream request panel will be enabled
Enter the values to the request stream then click on the “Write to request stream” button. Write as many messages to the request stream as you want. Once finished, click on the “Finish writing to the request stream” button. The server responds with the final message (shown below).